Solis Agro provides financial protection and financing engineering services to rural producers, and origination of agro products for foreign clients.
Solis Agro seeks to fill a gap in the foreign market that lacks raw materials with the capacity of Brazilian rural producers to supply international demand, providing services throughout the production chain, focusing mainly on the search for equity insurance for the rural producer, as well as financial protection for market variations, both in commodity prices and exchange rate fluctuation.
Based on a detailed analysis of the rural producer's situation and projects, Solis Agro also helps in the search for financing for agribusiness activities in general, bringing its experience in financial engineering focused on agribusiness to the spraying of credit to the rural product.
Besides developing strategies and solutions for the various members of the production chain, from inside to outside the farm gate, Solis Agro also helps international groups to find Brazilian products that meet their needs and those of the final consumer on the other side of the world.
To help rural producers create projects that they never imagined possible, and to make their projects come true.
Brazilian Agribusiness always exceeds its limits and the world's expectations, and we can help any player in the production chain to be part of this power.
Always seek the solution and present ideas according to each client.
Financial engineering – guiding the rural producer to find alternative ways of financing his activities
Property insurance with first class operators acting in the market to protect your crop.
Financial protection – finding financial services in the market that protect the rural producer from the variations of the world market, both from currency fluctuations and commodity prices.
Commercial origination – intermediation of research and purchase of Brazilian products for international clients.